Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Summary of last NSP meeting, which was held February 13, 2013:

Attendees: Kurt, Ruth, Don and Bob.  NSP has regrouped, refocussed and is now looking forward to a productive year.  Due to financial and logistical issues, NSP has  once again opted to forgo their annual Chocolate and Champagne event. Everybody has high hopes to continue the C&C in 2014.

Items discussed during meeting included coordination of neighborhood clean up, recent vandalism, appointment of new Director of Development, community gardening and the current state of the neighborhood, with particular attention to several houses of concern. One house discussed in particular was 25 Liberty--currently vacant with a broken picture window. It is NSP's hope to get this house back on the market and to honor this once stately house-- formerly owned by Lucille Wright. The goal for next meeting is to bring someone from the neighborhood.

 Meetings will once again be held at the Free Methodist Church, 515 East 7th Street, on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:30PM. Our next open meeting will be March 6th. Please join us!! Our next meeting will focus on the state of the neighborhood, neighborhood watch, Neighborhood Clean-Up (Trash Bash), community gardening.  Look for an agenda in your email.  Thank you all for reading this post and let us all work together to improve the quality of life in Jamestown.  Cheers.

Thank you to all of you who kept their sidewalks shoveled this winter!!

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Coming Attractions

Three Acquisitions

In the last blog update we featured properties that are scheduled for demolition-homes that will no longer be a blight on our neighborhood. In this blog update we're going to focus on rehabilitation. Both of the single-family homes that are featured below have been acquired by county agencies (in conjunction with PRIDE) and will undergo extensive rehabilitation in the coming year.

The Lincoln Street Property-already in reasonable condition-has been obtained by Chautauqua Opportunities Inc. This redo will feature a remodeled kitchen and bath plus interior and exterior cosmetic changes. PRIDE is looking forward to its completion, when it will go on the market to be sold to an eligible first-time home buyer.

8th Street Youth Build House (CHRIC)
Currently in progress, CHRIC is doing an amazing job restoring this old Arts and Crafts home.

Grant Street: Restored and SOLD!!! This property required serious rehabilitation. Chautauqua Home Rehabilitation and Improvement Corporation. CHRIC has transformed this home-both inside and out. CHRIC has done extensive renovations to the exterior, which included installing a new roof, beefing up the foundation and installing new, state of the art siding. CHRIC likes to say that they "take the worst house on the block and transform it into the best." Northside PRIDE is very appreciative of this partnership and is happy that this old Dutch-colonial home found a homeowner who is proud to live on the Northside.

Acquisition #2

Acquisition #2
404 Lincoln